Bella (my mom's Great Dane) and Zoe graduated today from their puppy training class, and I decided to tag along to document the wonderful event. I did, of course, mention to my mom that she hadn't had a photographer at my graduation.... I'm feeling kind of ripped off.

Zoe and Bella had to get some "pre-graduation" jitters out before the big event.

Bella gave some love to Ryan, her trainer, after mauling him earlier.

Zoe was the happy recipient of a graduation doggy toy after her owner answered more questions right... of course, Mom was a little dramatic about her loss.

Bella and Zoe got their diplomas... now on to more schooling!

Zoe looked very regal in her graduation cap.

Sorry this one didn't turn out better, Ryan! Bella was a little uncooperative.

Bella also looked rather dignified in her graduation cap.